
Q: What are some favorite, fully WORTH IT fashion Substacks?

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May 28Liked by Laura Neilson

I love reading Molly Blutstein's "In The Details with Molly" (mollyblutstein.substack.com)

She scouts the internet for interior photos she loves and then creates outfits inspired by the rooms. Instead of shouting at me to buy things, we're just witnesses her being playful and experimental with her wardrobe. As a architecture/design historian, it's right up my alley!

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Great tip! Checking it out now (brb!). We've actually toyed with the idea of a somewhat adjacent column that involves picking a memorable book character – but not the overdone ones (maybe a figure from the current offering of delicious summer reads right now) – and imaginary-casting them with a real life actor, a wardrobe that speaks to their signature style, etc. Not to sell clothes either, but to have fun and explore the ways that fashion can really illuminate someone's character and personality.

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May 28Liked by Laura Neilson

I loooove this idea and really hope you run with it!!

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This is the mojo we need. Thank you! Opening up the casting call for character candidates...any and all suggested candidates welcome.

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May 28Liked by Laura Neilson

Yes to every word! Thank you!!!!

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May 22Liked by Laura Neilson

Love this so much. A very smart read.

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